Just A Camp Follower...

My husband, and my heart, is currently in the desert. I just got back.

29 August 2006

Note to self:

Last night? That was good. You actually got through evening prayers and you felt better for it. Remember that feeling, okay? You like to pray, so remember that when you feel like your head is going to explode, and try it. Saying the Jesus Prayer while rolling silver at work isn't a bad thing either. It brings you out of the work mode and relaxes you and reminds you exactly what's important in life, and it ain't the spots on the forks.

Good job this morning!

We know you're not a morning person, but you actually managed to get up after hitting snooze only ONCE. Yeah, maybe getting up at 0600 would be better than 0614, but still, you got up. Make sure you leave the phone on the other side of the room. Getting out of bed to turn off the alarm makes it a bit more likely that you'll stumble into the bathroom instead of back into bed.

Actually remembering to put coffee in your thermos and take it to school with you? Bonus! Good job on that. It helped when you were bleary-eyed in class this morning. Also, even though we think that morning prayers should be done *before* you leave the house, good job on taking your prayer book to class and reading through them before class actually started.

Tomorrow, though, you need to remember to take your meds in the morning.

Also, you managed to get a lunch put together and remembered to bring it to school with you! Yay. Tomorrow, let's try to remember to bring our water, but other than that? You rock.

We're proud of you for remembering your workout clothes too! That gives you one less excuse to get to the gym on campus and work out. Don't forget to wash them this evening when you get home, okay?

Speaking of working out, good job on the workout today. That's two days in a row, and it's a good start. Thank you for making the committment to work out between classes. It's better than running home to mope at the walls, and you feel better. Not to mention, you do have that icky PT test coming up soon, and you really need to pass it.

Well, all in all, you've gotten off to a rockin' start today. Keep it up! We know you can do it.

Mucho love,
Your heart and body and brain.


At 7:54 PM, Blogger Sophia said...

Good job, woman! Keep it up! You've inspired me! Prayers and working out...I've got to make them both a priority!

Best to you!

At 7:58 PM, Blogger Soldier Grrrl said...

Sophia- Thanks. John actually called in the middle of prayers, so I stuck him on speakerphone and put him on the table in the icon corner and he listened in. I could hear him reciting the Creed with me, so that was pretty rockin'.

Right now I'm so sore I can barely breathe, but I'm really proud of myself, too. :-)

So, y'all will probable end up seeing more "note to self" posts.

At 3:39 AM, Blogger Just A Decurion said...

Might I also point out that I'm really proud of you too?

At 7:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Way to go! Keep it up!


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