Just A Camp Follower...

My husband, and my heart, is currently in the desert. I just got back.

16 October 2006

This is not a good feeling...

I think I just failed my economics midterm. We'll see, if I did, whether or not the instuctor thinks it's possible to pull a "D" out of the class anyway. If not, I'll have to drop it.


Excuse me while I go beat my head into the wall.


At 5:09 PM, Blogger Consul-At-Arms said...

I hope it's not as bad as that. The first time I took Econ I failed it myself, later on in life I pulled at least a B out of MacroEconomics (possibly an A, but I honestly don't recall).

At 5:55 PM, Blogger Tim Covington said...

Well, it's not as bad as the boneheaded thing I pulled in college. I forgot I had a class for 4 weeks.


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