Just A Camp Follower...

My husband, and my heart, is currently in the desert. I just got back.

06 September 2006

Highlights from our conversation last night...

"No, you can't name the dog Publius Cornelius Whateverus Scipio Africanus!"

"But why not?"

"Because he'll go over to the neighbors' yards and burn the other dog houses down."

"What's the problem?"


"Oh, that's Mr. Atkinson. He's a little weird. Just say 'Hail Caesar!' and give him five bucks when you walk by him and he's happy."


"No, you can't have war elephants. You can have war hamsters, though."

"Have you ever seen a howdah on a hamster?"

"Well, yes. But it was a very small howdah."

"....*giggle snort*...*giggle giggle giggle*...you are so weird."


I swear we're the only folx who call each other from theater to have strange convos about Hannibal, burning Carthage, and Ruling the World in Three Easy Steps! (tm) (Actually it was four. Step one- Conquer the world. This step may take some time, so be patient! Step Two- Lather. Step Three- Rinse. Step Four- Repeat.)

If I haven't mentioned it lately, I love my husband.


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