Just A Camp Follower...

My husband, and my heart, is currently in the desert. I just got back.

03 September 2006


I've been busy and cleaning quite a bit. Most of it's just de-cluttering, but I've got a bit of trash picked up, too. I've got a bag of clothes I never wear any more to take to the donation box and a bunch of junk mail ready to visit the compactor.

I've also vacuumed the dining room and the living room. I am mighty! (Well, I am until I start thinking about the amount of laundry I need to do and then fold...)

However, I'm making myself get this stuff done before I start playing with the new sewing machine. No, I didn't get the really fancy-schmancy one, but I did get one that will last for several years and will hold me until our tenth anniversary rolls around. :-)


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