Just A Camp Follower...

My husband, and my heart, is currently in the desert. I just got back.

07 September 2006

Busy busy busy....

EDIT: It's assembled! The floor is now glowing, but it's assembled. Go me! I kick ass!

Today was rather busy. Tomorrow will be more so, then I have drill this weekend.

I'm hoping to get to Vespers on Saturday and have Confession. Maybe I can take Communion next week. It's been far far far too long since I've been able to take it. Drat. Nope. I have a 5k to run next weekend with my brother. The weekend after that is FenCon in Dallas.

Anyway, back to today. Had 2D art today, so I need to get my composition finished this weekend. It's due on Tuesday, so I need to get moving on it. The components are done, just need to cut them up and make the "quilt."

After school, I put some books in the mail for PaperbackSwap, went to Jo-Ann's for orange fabric for the Ugly Fabric Quilt, swung by the Cingular store to reduce my minutes, and then...came home to do some sewing.

Got the orange borders on the quilt, and I was going to put Flying Geese all the way around, but...screw that! They'll go on the top and the bottom and that's it. Then, I can batt it, back it and get ready to quilt that puppy. It's due this month, so I'll actually get it done. Go me.

I'm going to keep working on the PTSD quilt. I really only need to make a few more squares and I can get them ready to assemble into a top, and then...maybe I can get it done. Then, I'll start a new one, 'cause I think I'm going to be struggling with this stuff for a while.

Ah well. I'm off to be busy.


At 6:26 AM, Blogger Tim Covington said...

Does this mean you are going to Fencon?!

At 6:55 AM, Blogger Soldier Grrrl said...

It certainly means I'm gonna try. :-D

I should be there Saturday morning, I'll take Ryan to Liturgy with me on Sunday at St. Seraphim's Cathedral, and then we should come back on Sunday.

At 7:15 AM, Blogger Tim Covington said...

Would you like to meet somewhere for lunch on Saturday?

At 7:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The State Fair starts the week after Fencon. And if you are in Dallas--at any time, my friend....some repast is on ME. Breakfast/lunch/dinner....I'm not particular. But please get in touch.


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