Just A Camp Follower...

My husband, and my heart, is currently in the desert. I just got back.

23 July 2006

Back to work...

For my drug money. Got a bunch of miniature quilt blocks at the show, but I'm going to have to enlarge them a bit just to work with them. I don't have that kind of patience. Nope, just don't.

Also got stuff for Christmas presents, and I'll be starting those soon. I've got ideas for two of them the, but the others...whoo. I have no clue what I'm getting my darling husband. And yes, I know what Mom and Dad A want, but they can't have it. If they're not careful, they'll end up with another Cabbage Patch doll. :-)

Not much else going on. I'm thinking about pulling my material out of the dryer and getting it set up to work on tomorrow. If I'm not careful, I'm going to end up with nothing but the underpinnings done, and I'll be in the Naked Iron Dress Competition.

I've been really down the past few days. My meds aren't working the way they used to, and I'm having more and more and more trouble getting out of bed. I missed church this morning because I slept through my alarm. I haven't done that in ages.

I just have no energy in the mornings. Once I get up and get going, I can slog on through the day, but...ugh. Getting up is kicking my butt. Seriously. I have an appointment with my GP on Wednesday, so we'll have to see what she says. I don't want to add another med to my routine, since I have a hard enough time remembering to take my meds as it is.

Gah. I don't wanna play no more.


At 10:40 PM, Blogger maggie katzen said...

i sleep through more alarms when rto is gone. and some days i even make it as far as turning the shower on before saying "nope, this ain't happenin". don't be too hard on yourself.

At 6:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hugs. How about we plan on me coming down one of these weekends soon and doing touristy stuff that people who live around here never do? I would love to go through the Institute for Texan Culture down there...and the museums...and Sea World...and The Alamo... and..and...and....


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