Just A Camp Follower...

My husband, and my heart, is currently in the desert. I just got back.

25 May 2006

Warning...rant ahead.

There are going to be more photos soon, but I have a minor rant. While we were in Washington, Dad A and I cruised by the Museum of Native American History and Culture. It's a pretty building, but I have some huge issues with the exhibits inside.

Maybe I'm just a racist, but I noticed that the exhibits didn't seem to actually have much to do with the nastier side of NA cultures. Granted, we weren't exactly the white knights of the world, but there were quite a few atrocities commited by NA peoples against...other NA peoples. Why isn't that mentioned?

There were quite a few mentions of how spiritual the cultures were, but there wasn't any mention of the lovely religious practices of the Aztecs and the Mayans. I mean, I'm sure that it's easier and more "right" to blame white people, since no native culture ever did anything that wasn't in the best interest of the land, and "people."

Lots of exhibits on thee horrible things the white man, such as the Spaniards, did in order to subjugate the poor little natives, including stripping them of gold, and making slaves out of them. Yeah, we did it and it was wrong, but we certainly weren't the first to run roughshod over other cultures.

But hey, who cares about presenting a balanced view? Let's just blame every single white person for anything bad that's ever happened in the past million years. It's easier. And God knows this society is all about what's easy.


At 8:40 PM, Blogger Soldier Grrrl said...

Why not show what actually happened on both sides?

No, we certainly didn't do what might be considered "right," but the myth of the noble savage is just that...a myth.

Evidently, all the nations represented in the museum got the final input on what would be represented in the museum, so I can see the pro-native bias there.

At 4:32 AM, Blogger Tim Covington said...

I'm 1/4 Cherokee, and I agree with you. I am so tired of the "noble savage" image that is being forced on people today. To me, it is as bad as the "evil injun" image.

At 5:59 AM, Blogger Soldier Grrrl said...

I'm glad, Tim. It's just as bad as presenting the white man as the savior of everything on earth.

Let's try to present the bad along with the good, but keep them both in proportion.


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