Just A Camp Follower...

My husband, and my heart, is currently in the desert. I just got back.

23 May 2006


I do not need to see scenes that even might be sexually charged. I just don't. I'm so hormonal as it is that I'm having horribly naughty thoughts. John flirting like mad doesn't help. I enjoy it a great deal, but it doesn't help! Need my husband home and naked, preferably. (Um. Yeah. Hi 'rents!)

Went to Mount Vernon today, and enjoyed it. Going to an historic monument with my Dragon-In-Law was a great deal of fun. It was nice to have someone to natter about history and whatnot about.

I had a great time, although I'm terribly disppointed with the textile and domestic art part of the home. Granted, it was lovely to know that they reproduced the textiles, such as the bed-hangings, and the carpets, and the like, but it would have been nice to have more examples of the domestic textiles. I would have liked to see more on the quilting, and the sewing and such, but that's just my quirk. I would love to see more on the patchwork, and the like, but as I said, that's my quirk.

From what I can tell, the extant stuff isn't that important, or perhaps it just wasn't as well preserved. Granted, I could just be talking out my butt, too. I don't know enough about the program. Anyway, I did take a few pictures, although they're not that good. I'll put some more up in a little bit.

Picked up several postcards to mail to my darling Decurion and as it stands right now, I'll be mailing out postcards for a while. I would love to be able to take some good pictures, but unless you're really good, or have good equipment, it's not worth it. It's just easier to buy the postcards.


At 12:10 PM, Blogger tychecat said...

Mt Vernon is sort of a strange kind of national historic site as it has always been privately owned by a group that decided the first president's house should be perserved back in the mid 1800s (The Mt. Vernon Ladies Assn.) I gather most of the artifacts are original. did you notice that the house is actually wood carved and shaped to look like stone?
I don't think the house was even wired until recently, I know when I first visited it, the house had no electric lights.

At 7:44 PM, Blogger Soldier Grrrl said...

We found that out on the day we went. There's a small board that talks about the "rustication" effect. I was blown away.

It is a privately owned monument, but I did find it a bit ironic that they had no military discount and that the staff was...semi-knowledgable.


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