Just A Camp Follower...

My husband, and my heart, is currently in the desert. I just got back.

07 August 2006


Well, let's see.

My credit score is still limping along, but I guess it's all I can hope for, to be patient and ride out the wait. I thought stuff usually dropped off after two years, but I've got stuff on there from 2003, and some of the information's not been updated since March of that year.

Gah. When, exactly, does all that crap drop off, and why is it that when you screw up, the credit reporting agencies put it on your report lickety-split, but getting them to take stuff off takes an act of God?

Yes, John, I know. You didn't marry me for my credit score, but it does have an effect on you. It affects our ability to get a loan for land or a house or a car or just about anything.

Tuition is due 31 Aug. Need to email Maria and find out when I need to turn in the app for the tuition assistance, if I can get it this semester. If so, that will be easier to live on while I study since the art classes are going to take up a fair chunk of my time.


You know, I adore being a grown-up and being married and all that, but still...

Is being able to leave the refrigerator door open all night to air condition the neighborhood really worth this?


At 11:16 AM, Blogger Tim Covington said...

Depending on the information, items on your credit report can stay on there up to 10 years.

At 8:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The first time I got serious about our credit file was when I got turned down for something. I got a copy of my report and 25% of it was errors. It took 18 months to clean it up. I watch it like a hawk now.


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