Just A Camp Follower...

My husband, and my heart, is currently in the desert. I just got back.

15 May 2006

I miss my husband.

It's funny, but someone asked me why I'm never really in a hurry to get my sidework done and get out of work.

Why? Honestly, what the hell do I have to go home to? I don't party, I don't drink, and I don't have some lover on the side. So, what is there for me to do besides sit around and roll silver?


Tonight was a pretty good night. We weren't terribly busy, but I make about $80 so I'm happy with that. There's so little going on in my life right now that it's scary. I work. I'm going to school in about two weeks. *thud* I miss John.

*sigh* This is rambling and I need to get my nightly chocolate shake and get to bed. I must wash my face, and brush my hair, and then I'll slip off to dreamland where I don' t have to wait to hear my sweetest husband's voice or to feel his touch.

BTW, I'm moody and PMSing tonight. Be warned. I'm liable to start bawling at the silliest stuff. Gah. There are days I hate being a chick. Hormones suck.


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